Cars for Sale
The cars listed below are all with us here on the premises, so you can see them all in one visit!
Choose from the three categories below, and the cars will be listed chronologically within that group. By clicking on the photo of the car that you like the look of, or the ‘Read More’ link, you can see the individual page relating to that car, with more photos in a slide show, and in most cases a video of the car being driven on the roads of north Wales.
Before visiting, it is a very good idea to let us know when you are planning to come, so that we know to expect you and can be sure that we will be here to greet you. It helps us and ensures that you don’t have a wasted journey. We also then know when to put the kettle (or coffee machine) on!
Parts Shop
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- Bentley
- Rolls-Royce
- Various Makes

1926 Rolls-Royce 20hp Hooper Two Seat Tourer with Dickey Seat
Reg No. YO 5990
Price £62,500

1929 20/25 Park Ward Two Door Four Light Saloon – PRICE REDUCED
Reg No. UE 9773
Price £ 49,500

1930 Rolls-Royce 20/25 H.J.Mulliner Drophead Coupe with Dickey Seat.
Reg No. TL 1040
Price £ 67,500

1931 Rolls-Royce 20/25 Park Ward D back Six Light Saloon/Limousine
Reg No. GX 8290
Price £32,500

1932 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental H.J.Mulliner Two Door, Two Seat Drophead Coupe. Price Reduced!
Reg No. GY 4050
Price £225,000

1933 Bentley 3½ Litre Barker Sporting Two Door Drophead Coupe
Reg No. AUU 17
Price £125,000

1933 Rolls-Royce 20/25 Gurney Nutting Style Three Position Drophead Coupe
Reg No. US 2763
Price £ 49,500

1933 Rolls-Royce 20/25 Salmons ‘Tickford’ Cabriolet
Reg No. XJ 5555
Price £ 77,500

1934 Rolls-Royce 20/25 Mann Egerton ‘Continental’ Saloon
Reg No. XSG 779
Price £ 35,000

1935 Bentley 3½ Litre ‘Cutaway Door’ Drophead Coupe. Price Reduced!
Reg No. BXM 513
Price £85,000

1935 Bentley 3½ Litre Mulliners of Birmingham Sports Saloon
Reg No. VSU 250
Price £39,500

1935 Rolls-Royce 20/25 Thrupp & Maberly Three Position Drophead Coupe. Price Reduced
Reg No. BXF 199
Price £110,000

1936 Bentley 4¼ Litre Park Ward Sports Saloon Project.
Reg No. DLA 377
Price £32,500

1936 Rolls-Royce 25/30 Hooper Limousine with Sunroof
Reg No. PEU 683
Price £ 36,500

1937 Bentley 4¼ Litre Vanden Plas ‘Allweather’ Tourer
Reg No. DXM 229
Price £125,000

1937 Bentley 4¼ Litre Vanden Plas Three Position Drophead Coupe. Price reduced
Reg No. ELF314
Price £99,500

1937 Rolls-Royce Phantom III Barker Sedanca de Ville – Sale Agreed
Reg No. CWR 450
Price £ 78,500

1938 Rolls-Royce 25/30 Park Ward Four Door ‘Allweather’ Cabriolet. Price now reduced significantly!
Reg No. EYE 791
Price £ 99,500

1939 Bentley 4¼ Litre Overdrive Park Ward Sports Saloon
Reg No. FLK 967
Price £ 88,000

1939 Bentley 4¼ Litre Overdrive Park Ward Sports Saloon
Reg No. FXR27
Price £72,500

1950 Bentley MKVI Park Ward ‘Long Wing’ Drophead Coupe
Reg No. LLH 236
Price £79,500