01248 602649 mail@realcar.co.uk

Cars for Sale

The cars listed below are all with us here on the premises, so you can see them all in one visit!

Choose from the three categories below, and the cars will be listed chronologically within that group. By clicking on the photo of the car that you like the look of, or the ‘Read More’ link, you can see the individual page relating to that car, with more photos in a slide show, and in most cases a video of the car being driven on the roads of north Wales. 

Before visiting, it is a very good idea to let us know when you are planning to come, so that we know to expect you and can be sure that we will be here to greet you. It helps us and ensures that you don’t have a wasted journey. We also then know when to put the kettle (or coffee machine) on!

Parts Shop

 Are you are looking for parts, accessories, etc? Please give us a call on our parts line 01248 605200 and/or have a look at our eBay shop.

  • Bentley
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Various Makes